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Side projects


Help & support search for Ubuntu based Linux distributions using a custom DuckDuckGo search engine.


Help & support search for Ubuntu based Linux distributions using a custom Google search engine.


By default LXLE utilizes DuckDuckGo, we believe in the search engines principles, capabilities and their many opensource initiatives and support. However we realize that some users prefer searching with Google, so we designed a custom Google search for our LXLE startpage for those individuals.

Our custom Google search engine does much more than just provide a gateway to Google, it borrows some ideas from DuckDuckGo's awesome search engine like enabling SSL search by default and omiting known content mills while emphazing results from crowd sourced sites and their sources, bearing excellent returns.

Personally we use DuckDuckGo almost exclusively but we thought it might be cool to create a custom Google search and let users submit their own search parameters.

Post any of such sites/ parameters mentions above this thread in our forums and we will try them out and get them implemented.


What is LibreAnte? LibreAnte is an idea, not a service. LibreAnte uses existing services and technologies to give those that offer free content or files online a way to monetize their downloads and content.

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